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Write that down

Recently I started university, again. This time I am pivoting from art to psychology. The course content seems very introductory. The teacher would mention authors, theories and techniques; It seems that the gold is hidden over the rainbow. One of my academic dreams has always been to CTRL + F my notes. So with some free time and my blog preset I built just that.

It’s still under construction, but the basic idea is that I create blog posts for my class notes and homework. Then I tag them and display them in their respective categories, meaning that buy the end of the semester I can read the whole content of a class and search for keywords.

My blog preset is pretty simple to build, especially here on github. Just fork the repo, go to the _config.yml file and tweak some variables like the title, site description. Then just write posts in markdown / Jekyll and make sure to tag them, done!

A cool addition was adding an edit button to each post, to do that I added the following to the post layout:

  <div class="post-date">
    <a href="{site.editurl}{page.path}">

Note: I used two curly brakets arround site.editurl and page.path, here I’m only showing one because if I were to write two of them they would render as the value for those variables.

After some quick additions like new items on the top bar (again by modifying the default layout) and removing some unnecessary features like the privacy notice and the RSS feed I was done. In about 15 minutes I made a basic layout to publish my school notes and documents online. With my mayor being in psychology I can really benefit from writing down all my concepts and having them handy on my phone, plus I should get accustomed to writing more often.

For a glimpse into the ins and outs of psychology visit my notes and documents site (written in Spanish), keep looking out for more posts on here (in English), expect essays about psychology and technology, soon.

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