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Up until now if you wanted to keep up with my work you ether had to visit my site every so often to manually check if new content had been added or if you’re a computer nerd you could add my RSS feed to your news aggregator of choice.

This changes now!

Now You can click the subscribe button at the top of the page & select from 4 different methods to get notified when I post something new, and unlike the old RSS method - it’s brain-dead-easy.

If you’re old school - or simply don’t fiddle with social media - you’d now be able to get my content directly e-mailed into your email inbox.

Internet power users like myself will also be happy to get content from long form content platforms and that’s why I set up a subreddit.

You can subscribe to r/alex_esc_reddit to get my latest work in your front page, provide feedback, make contributions, find other like-minded people and similar blogs.

Obscure RSS feeds and alternative platforms are nice and all, but if you’re not crazy about all of that you can still follow me on twitter.

My twitter account @alex_esc_tweets automatically posts when I write a new blog or publish a new project, so make sure to follow me in there if you’re interested.

Before you subscribe, a privacy heads up.

Most of my work involves privacy in some way or another, and because I usually advocate for strict privacy practices I have to warn you before you subscribe to my blog.

Subscribe via e-mail is handled by Google, so if they didn’t know your email behavior before, they will do now if you decide to subscribe via e-mail.

Not to say that everything Google touches rots with bad intentions, but some people think Google is kind of creepy and wish not to welcome the wolf at the door.

A similar argument can be made about twitter or reddit, but with those services it’s obvious what information is being collected.

Unlike with Google’s FeedBurner. This service that powers the e-mail notifications is very sneaky to admit they are runned by google systems, so that’s the heads up.

Of course if you want to get notifications without anyone breaking your personal privacy boundaries you can always use RSS.

If you don’t know what RSS is or how to use it, start our by reading my explanation: here.

Everyone has their own personal boundaries, it should be up to each one of us to draw the line of what counts as a privacy violation and what’s OK, that’s why I built the subscribe function with options.

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