The new, new year
A look back into the year brought me to a strange place, a new place where experiences of dread and exhaustion seem both fresh and strange. This has been a brand new experience, both good and bad.
Starting 2019 I had hopes for change, although some change did take place, I did become a better, more wholesome and happy person, however change in the romantic sense, the pre-nostalgia phase, remains distant.
My time is running out. Slowly but surely my new job is eating and munching my time and energy away. My enthusiasm for writing remains, but my computer broke down and without it taping on my screen puts me to sleep, while punching and pressing down the keys on my keyboard made me satisfied. Writings and posts will stagnate for now. This is however temporary, I want to rail on and on about digital tech and online culture, but both time and material constraints stand in my way.
This is my new state of being, I eager to speak my mind, yet the new normal arrived at the door. This may feel like a new mode of boredom and desire, but with it’s new year’s eve packaging it suddenly feels like a whole new place, a double new year is just heading my way. It feels new, the feeling of newness is fresh again, a new new feeling.
Thoughts, book commentary, blog replies and the like will later come when I fix my computer. For now, I’ll casualty write from my phone. See you on the next entry, another alex.