Reddit as a comment section.
This blog now features comments! If you’d like to ask me anything about any given blog post you can now write it as a comment on their own reddit post.
Blog posts that invite or incentive comments will get their own reddit, since I try to avoid clutter on the site not all blog posts will get a comment section, only the ones I consider “comment friendly” will get official comments since day one.
If you want to comment and there is no reddit available you can always post it yourself on a related subreddit and tag my username so I can add the comments to the blog interface.
Let’s say that there are no comments available on a post and you’d like to avoid a certain reddit community, in that case you can request official comments.
To request official comments means that the blog post will get it’s own little space on reddit via my official reddit profile, to request official comments send me a reddit PM or click here.