I'm now on Medium
After months of writing for nobody but myself, I finally decided to take my ideas to a public place. Medium is normally a website were pretentious rejected TED speakers vomit buzzwords onto your screen, now I’ll be joining the party!
My ideas and thoughts - although rarely not heavily inspired by Douglas Rushkoff, Lawrence Lessig, Tristan Harris & Jaron Lanier - have gained some traction amongst my friends and family. After opening up my ideas to my friends I expected the social equivalent of being tomato’d off stage but to my surprise I was encouraged!
They tell me to write my ideas down, that I might be up to something. Funny you say that, I’ve actually been writing way before talking you you guys was my honest and shy response. Now people whom I’ve talk to about tech and media seem to want to talk some more about it on a later date.
I have also taken my Ideas to reddit, and because reddit is reddit, I’ve received my fare share of downvotes for challenging privacy dogma. But at least 2 people seem to be super on board with me and what I say, so probably I’m not too of the rails.
As the time I write this I’m in the middle of a writing course, I’ll be taking this class for the summer and on it the content of an entire semester gets squished into 4 weeks, so I’ll be busy on attending that.
The bright side is I can choose whatever topic I’d like and digital tech it is. The last article “How Digital Technologies Reflect Who We Are” was written as the first assignment.
The work that I’m especially proud of will be going up on my medium page, all my “big ideas” regarding digital rights will go up on medium as well.
Make sure to follow me on medium, the new home for my extra pretentious work.
- Follow me on medium: medium.com/@alexesc
- Digital Rights on medium: medium.com/digital-rights