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The Problem With The 'Alternative Tech' Community.

So I came across this video, here are my thoughts.

I honestly can’t stand this type of behavior, there are many “alt-tech” or “alt-news” online personalities that although sometimes bring up legitimate concerns regarding free speech and privacy they only are concerned for political or religious reasons, in other words personal opinions or viewpoints.

I find it really sad that platforms that champion free speech like bit chute are filled with political content, to an outsider personalities like Mark Dice or Computing Forever look as toxic as the anti-sjw movement looks to the general public.

Because these type of videos address legitimate problems with a political or social bias the entire “privacy, security and online freedom movement” looks like a bunch of conspiracy theorists by association.

I think the “privacy, security and online freedom movement” desperately needs re-branding if we want our concerns addressed. Instead of crying big brother or angrily calling companies the next sky net we should be more clean cut. Instead of being perceived as angry bias activists we should use our knowledge and platform as an advantage to build a community of discussion and progress.

Instead of framing the problem in the manner of political correctness this and censorship that we should frame the digital problems as a manner of human rights, ethics and ecology.

We need to be the voice of reason, maybe if we stopped screaming they would listen.

Originally posted on reddit.
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